The question of the universe
How a former Muslim met Jesus in Eurasia
I lived like a prince — a wealthy Muslim family, in a wealthy Islamic country. Everything was done for me; I didn’t even know how to tie my shoelaces until recently. My parents, being devout Muslims, taught me the Islamic way of life from the very beginning. I would sing the call to prayer in the mosque every day and once even went on pilgrimage to Mecca.
But from the age of 12, I started to have doubts. There were things about the Quran that just didn’t sit comfortably with me — the history, the science, the teaching. At the age of 16 I made the decision to leave Islam. I was too tired of religion. I felt betrayed; I felt that I’d been living a lie. So I closed my eyes to all religion.

Here by chance?
That’s how I stayed until January 2018. I had felt very sure of my atheism, but then I started to wonder again. No matter how much I studied, no one could explain how the universe came to be. Believing the universe came from nothing also required faith. Many times I would see beautiful things — the majestic mountains or amazing pictures of the cosmos captured by the Hubble telescope. How could it all be here by chance? It just seemed impossible. I had to acknowledge that there must be a God.
Clicking into place
Eventually, I started reading about Christianity. And I really loved it. But I knew I’d need to be more sure of it before making any decisions. A few months ago, I moved to a country in Eurasia to study. I would often find myself praying to the God of the Bible, asking for help, because I really wanted to know the truth. One day I met a Christian, and when he invited me to go along to his Bible study group, I happily agreed.

A week later, I went along to the meeting and I loved it. I found myself craving to learn more about the Bible and the Christian faith, and in my heart I felt that this is the right path. It all clicked so well in my mind. I came to understand that God loves me so much that He sent His Son Jesus! Jesus came to earth specifically to die for my sins (and the sins of the whole world) so that I could be forgiven. Ephesians 2:8–10 declares that salvation is a gift of God — not something earned. It is received only by faith — simply trusting completely in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as payment for my sin.
New life with Christ
Since beginning my life with Christ, He has continued to change me through His word, by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in my heart. He is working in my life. I now really care for other people — not just only for myself. There is a wonderful sense of relief in knowing that I am forgiven and secure, in knowing that God is on my side and wants the best for me. I’d never felt this way before. I love this Christian religion!